(contact in English)
StudentNews.eu LTD., Cracow, Ulubiona Str. 34, 32-085 Modlnica
We kindly invite all European universities, regional governments, companies and other institutions to start cooperation with our Group.
Currently, we have over 60 educational websites and 2 mobile applications (for high school graduates and eighth-graders).
We provide real-time statistics of our websites and the position of keywords through which users access our content on Google. We display them in Google Looker Studio reports based on Google Analytics and Search Console. These reports are updated by Google several times a day.
Google report: last full 12 months - potential of key StudentNews Group websites »

We have the only search engine in Poland for study programs based on high school exam criteria, covering universities across the country. This is a huge project used by over 300,000 people annually. Each year, we update the exam criteria for all study programs in Poland. We put a lot of work into reviewing all universities and organizing the criteria systematically. But the result is worth it – prospective students can conveniently compare admission requirements! :)
In the search engine, we also have an option: no criteria based on specific subjects.
Google report: last full 12 months - potential of the website with study programs by school-leaving exam
• Matura App
We have the only app in Poland that prepares students for the high school final exams (matura) across all subjects. We’ve also included a search engine for study programs based on matura exam criteria.
The app was recognized as the best in Poland in the mobile category for children and youth by the Mobile Trends Awards for 2022.
Sample screenshots:

You can download and check:
App created by

• Thematic Websites with Study Program Listings
For high school graduates, we also offer thematic websites listing undergraduate (bachelor’s), engineering, and integrated master’s programs. Below are traffic reports for these websites:
On the site, we feature nearly 40,000 bachelor’s programs from universities across Poland and Europe (in Polish). The ranking positions of thousands of keywords can be checked in the Google report below. The most important keyword is "studia licencjackie" (bachelor’s studies). Approximately over 150,000 users visit annually.
On the site, we list around 500 engineering programs from universities across Poland (in Polish). The ranking positions of thousands of keywords can be checked in the Google report below. The most important keyword is "studia inżynierskie" (engineering studies). The site attracts over 30,000 users annually.
On the site, we have over 3000 integrated master’s programs from universities across Poland and Europe. Additionally, there is a separate section on this site for second-cycle (master’s) studies. The Google ranking positions can be checked in the report below. The most important keyword is "studia magisterskie" (master’s studies). The site attracts over 100,000 users annually.
2) Reaching Students and Graduates

• On the website studentnews.pl, which attracts around 1,8 million users annually, we post articles and event announcements.

We began our online journey with the studentnews.pl website over 15 years ago. Initially, it housed everything, but over time, we created more than 60 specialized websites, and studentnews.pl shifted its focus to news and articles only. This includes event announcements, articles about studies, as well as highly specialized or scientific articles, such as those from the European Cordis system. As a result, despite the site’s name, studentnews.pl attracts users of all age groups, not just students—unlike our thematic sites, which have very precisely defined target audiences.
Google report: last full 12 months - potential of the website studentnews.pl
As part of the studentnews.pl website, we have created an independent service listing over 450 Polish universities and institutions. The service also includes universities from most European countries, with a particular focus on British and German institutions. In total, over 3,700 universities are available.
Google statistics show that the service attracts around 200,000 users annually. Details are available in the Google Looker Studio report below:
• For students wishing to continue their studies, we have thematic websites:
On the site, we feature over30,000 second-cycle (master’s) programs from universities across Poland and Europe. Additionally, there is a separate section on this site for integrated master’s programs. The Google ranking positions can be checked in the report below, with the key term being "studia magisterskie" (master’s studies). The site attracts over 100,000 users annually.
Website for prospective doctoral students in Poland and Europe.
A comprehensive list of doctoral studies by discipline from doctoral schools at various universities and research institutions. In Poland it includes over 700 entries, updated based on the POL-on system. The list of Google keywords can be found in the report below. The site attracts over 20,000 users annually.
Website for prospective postgraduate students in Poland (postgraduate diploma).
A vast database of over 8,500 postgraduate programs from nearly all universities in Poland and other educational and research institutions. Programs can be searched by city, field group, type of institution, or even the language of instruction. The site ranks highly on Google, with the most traffic coming from the keyword "studia podyplomowe" (postgraduate studies). It attracts over 200,000 users annually.
On the site, we offer around 200 MBA program listings from across Poland. We update it directly from universities and selected educational and industry institutions. The site attracts about 3,000 users annually.
Google report: last full 12 months - potential of the website for prospective MBA students in Poland and Europe
3) Reaching students from around the world

The "Study in Europe" project comprises over 20 websites in 14 languages. The most important ones are: EN - studentnews.eu, studies-in-Poland.pl, studies-in-English.pl, studies-in-Europe.eu, undergraduatestudy.eu, postgraduatestudy.eu, doctoralstudy.eu, mba-studies.eu, CZ - studiumvevrope.eu, DE - studiumineuropa.eu, ES - estudiareneuropa.eu, FR - etudiereneurope.eu, HU - tanulaseuropaban.eu, IT - studiareineuropa.eu, PT - estudarnaeuropa.eu, RU - ru.studies-in-europe.eu, SK - studiumveurope.eu, UK - navchannya-v-yevropi, TR - avrupadaokuma.eu, ZH - 在欧洲的大学, الدراسة في أوروبا (AR).
The project is attracting over one million users annually!
Google report: last full 12 months - potential of key StudentNews.eu Group websites"
4) Reaching Polish students - eighth grade exam

This website for eighth-grade students in Poland has over 300,000 users annually and around 7 million page views! Current statistics and Google search terms can be checked at any time, as an automatically updated Google Data Studio report based on Google Analytics and Search Console is available daily.
Google report: last full 12 months - potential of the website for 8th graders
• Eighth Grade Exam App – Prepare for the exam and find a high school
In 2022, we launched an app for eighth-grade students. The app prepares students for exams in all subjects and includes a high school search engine.
To install the app:
App created by

5) Reaching those seeking to upgrade their skills

• Website about education in Poland edubaza.pl

Website Edubaza.pl is an overview of schools and educational institutions from all over Poland. Institutions are organized by province. The site attracts approximately 1.1 million users annually!
On this site, we provide an up-to-date list of professions according to the latest standards, along with current professional qualifications. There are also tens of thousands of courses categorized by industry, mainly based on the RIS system. The website has approximately 300,000 users annually.
• Learning a Foreign Language
Website about English grammar (in Polish), where we've combined grammar resources with tests. It has about 100,000 users per year.